New UI
New UI

Tech Tip: Restore Old YouTube Layout

Youtube has recently updated its layout. Especially for the videos you are currently watching. Instead of showing info and comments underneath the video that you are currently watching, it shows suggested and recommended videos.
The info and comments are now pushed into a tiny column on the far right. It just doesn’t look or feel right, and isn’t intuitive at all.

New UI
New UI

Apparently this UI change has been rolling out to users for weeks now. Which surprised me because I hadn’t heard about it at all, until I got the change on my account. Everyone I showed the change to said it looked horrible.

Anyways, since it had been rolling out for weeks, and many already had it, a fix was already made and easy to implement.

The fix comes in the form of two simple userscripts, that can be easily installed via a script manager extension. For Chrome based browsers (I use and recommend Vivaldi) , I use one called “Violentmonkey“, but there are several others. I haven’t tested it, but Tampermonkey has an extension for Firefox and other browsers.

The script seem to come with many customization options, but I just wanted youtube to go back to looking the way it has for over a decade now, and that was achieved by just installing the scripts. Doesn’t look exactly how it used to, suggested videos are a bit bigger and such, but its usable.

The userscripts can be downloaded/installed from here: 

There are also more instructions on the page for those that need more assistance.

Restored UI:

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